Benefits of Orthodontic Care in Cape Coral, Florida

by | Jun 14, 2019 | Dental Care

While general dentists can typically handle simple dental procedures such as placing fillings, crowns, and bridges and some even offer cosmetic services such as the installation of porcelain veneers, serious tooth misalignment requires the help of a specialist. The specialists who address misalignment and crowding are known as orthodontists. Those who have never visited an orthodontist can read on to find out about just a few of the benefits of seeking Orthodontic Care in Cape Coral Florida.

Have a More Beautiful Smile

Nobody wants to have crooked teeth but not all dental patients are born with perfect alignment. Orthodontists can improve the appearance of their patients’ smiles even when cosmetic dentists are unable to make sufficient headway. That’s because they don’t just hide dental imperfections, but instead, they actually work with their patients to move their teeth back into alignment.

Reduce the Risk of Tooth Decay

Straighter teeth don’t just look better. They’re also less likely to wind up with plaque buildup and decay. Patients with crooked or crowded teeth find that they get food scraps stuck between them, increasing the bacteria in their mouths, eroding enamel, and causing cavity formation but an orthodontist can help.

Decreased Risk of Gum Disease

The same bacteria that leave patients with crooked teeth at a higher risk of developing cavities can also lead to gum disease. Symptoms of gum disease include soreness and bleeding gums and if left untreated, they will eventually lead to gum recession and tooth loss. An orthodontist can bring the patient’s teeth back into alignment and reduce his or her risk of developing gum disease, to begin with.

Less Tooth Grinding

Crooked or crowded teeth can place unnecessary strain on patients’ jaws, causing them to grind their teeth. This grinding, known officially as bruxism, leads to tooth damage. Orthodontic Care in Cape Coral Florida can relieve the strain caused by malocclusion and reduce the symptoms of bruxism.

Learn More Today

Still experiencing some anxiety over the idea of heading to an orthodontist for a consultation? Getting more information about local practices and the services that they provide can help to assuage any lingering fears. Visit Us online today to get started.