There are multiple reasons that one may switch from a general dentist for a Family Dentist in Kona. Some reasons may include moving to a new area or state, wanting a dentist that is closer to home, or perhaps the family has grown, and the current dentist no longer...
Ernie Singh
Contact a Dentist for a Toothache
If you develop a toothache overnight, then you need an emergency dentist in Jacksonville, Fla., in the morning. When you brush and floss your teeth frequently, you will rarely have a dental health issue from tooth decay or periodontal disease, but if you do have a...
4 Reasons to Get a Dental Checkup
Scheduling a dental appointment twice per year is essential to your overall health. While most of us do not look forward to visiting the dentist, avoiding the dentist can have long-term consequences for your oral health. Learn why it is important to visit a dental...
Details Discussed With Dental Practice Brokers In California
In California, dental practice sales involve complex processes, and it is helpful for sellers to work with a broker. The broker understands the demands of the sales transaction and helps the seller define the terms. Reviewing the details of the transactions with...
Dislodged Teeth: What an Emergency Dentist Will Tell You to Do
If one of your teeth is knocked out due to a fall or some other type of event, there is only a short window of time to get to an emergency dentist in Phoenix Arizona and attempt to save it. During the quick call to let the dentist know what has happened, expect to...